Archive for February 2nd, 2022

Has Boris Got Away With It?

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

Yes is almost certainly the answer.  There is just so long you can keep outrage about parties and lies brewing, as the driving force of the political agenda. Shocking though the saga is, it actually has very little impact on everyday life. People feel badly let down, betrayed even, having suffered terrible emotional pain and loss through the pandemic. Others lost their businesses sticking to the rules, which it turns out, most of Whitehall were ignoring.

Had the full Grey report hit the deck in timely fashion as expected, it could have caused a major political upset. Now it is already on its way to the long grass. In the end it will cause major excitement in the Westminster bubble, but the country has already made up its mind and moved on.

Meanwhile inflation is getting hot, causing the rising cost of living to become the hottest political potato, followed by energy price rises on an unimagined scale, tax rises, the NHS  on the brink, interest rates on an upward curve, not to mention Putin and his battle groups. And the pandemic rages on, even if in milder form. So Boris needs to be very busy dealing with all the things that matter to people right now. And by the look of it he is.

For the moment he will soldier on, ducking and weaving though a bombardment of outrage and anger as only Boris can, drunk on the elixir of his psyche, to be centre stage above all else. Nobody will successfully challenge him in a leadership election, nor I suspect does anyone now want to try. In due course the people will have their say and one day Boris will be gone. Unless something happens sooner. That we were not expecting.

As well it might.