Archive for July 26th, 2019

Boris: Now The Tests Begin

Friday, July 26th, 2019

The stricken Tory party was motivated by the barnstorming performance of the new Prime Minister yesterday. He is the best crowd pleasing politician in the UK, perhaps in Europe and among the world’s top five. And so far getting elected leader of the party hasĀ  been all about pleasing crowds. Indeed it has been, and this includes the Cummings designed and grossly misleading Leave campaign, telling the crowds what they want to hear. Yesterday was no exception. Promises flew in all directions round the Commons like leaves in an autumn gale. He is reported to have made mincemeat of Corbyn. But. So very very but.

Not a single question that he did not like did Boris answer, nor was there any idea of how all his promises were to be paid for, nor how his programmes are going to be turned into legislation which can get through Parliament. So even his supporters are nervously wondering if there is indeed a plan when the moment comes where optimism, bluster and catchphrases are not enough to deliver them. Upon the answer to that question rests the answer to the real uncertainty of Boris’s historic destiny. Will he be the saviour of the Tory party by delivering most if not all, or will he destroy it because it turns out his promises are empty and his bombast just theatre?