Archive for June 13th, 2019

Again from the Western Isles: Tories Choose.

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Apart from the constitutional affront in the process of having members of one party electing de facto a new prime minister of a minority government, already explored at length in previous posts, the most alarming aspect of the election is the rubbish talked by the contenders. Only Rory Stewart has the brains for the job and a grasp of what is needed and he is a no hoper on three counts, whilst at the same time something of a pundit’s darling. Nobody among the mass of the voters in the country has a clue who he is, his centrist agenda is anathema to the membership of the current Tory party and the centre is an over trampled quagmire, poisoned by many good intentions, which can yield nothing now of value. The ground needs a rest and quite a long one at that.

Attlee and Wilson governed from the left and changed the whole structure of society and its values.Thatcher governed from the right (but not the far right) and achieved a lasting reform of dogma driven leftist thinking. But Blair and Cameron who both governed from the centre, quite competently and without too many upsets, changed a few things but little was of lasting value. One ended in the Crash (Brown at the helm) and one ended in Brexit.

Meanwhile the whole economic model has fallen into shocking decay and confusion with the better off getting richer almost literally by the hour and the less well off, upon whom everything in everyday life depends, grow poorer and more overworked, with the poorest plunging to depths unknown since the 1930s. Services at every level and in all spheres are starved of cash and failing to deliver on the promises made by ministers of every stripe, some of the weakest of whom now fancy themselves as prime minister.

Brexit dominates everything, but it is everything that has to be fixed.