Archive for January 21st, 2019

Brexit: Quick thoughts at the Start of a Critical Day

Monday, January 21st, 2019

May achieves the Gold Standard of an obstinate person who makes an industry out of trying to force people to do things her way. She has now hit the buffers. Opposition parties in the Commons have given her short shrift.

The EU likewise. Now she is alleged to be trying to set up a separate treaty with Ireland. If true it is ridiculous and neither Ireland nor the EU will accept it. A political declaration to underline the temporary nature of the backstop yes. But that will never get past the hard core nationalist wing of the Tory party. Another way would be to stay in the Customs Union, but that is one of her silly red lines. However in the end that might be the solution the Commons goes for. If that happens either she will have to go with it or go altogether.