Archive for December 10th, 2017

Jerusalem: Has Trump Miscalculated?

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Before the well trailed announcement based on his campaign promise to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, there were hints and briefings from his administration that although there would be some noise there would also be support. People might now ask where?

The US is isolated to a minority of one on the Security Council, not even ever faithful GB is in line with it, and all governments across the Arab world, including the most faithful American allies, have lined up to condemn. It is of course a breach of international law and in violation of various UN resolutions. America is powerful enough militarily to cope with all this, but not powerful enough geo-politically to do so in the long term.

Therefore we await the masterstroke. Having shaken up the box, so to speak, comes the announcement of a really striking peace plan that stops the noise and gets people talking with real hopes of a Camp David style outcome. At least we assume this must surely be so.

Is it?