Archive for July 29th, 2017

Political Thriller from Tor Raven

Saturday, July 29th, 2017

Power Corruption and Lies by [Raven, Tor]  



When The Cat’s Away…….

Saturday, July 29th, 2017

You may not have noticed but May is in Italy on a walking holiday, Boris has been in Australia and Fox was in America.

Suddenly Philip Hammond was all over the media explaining how Brexit was going to be a gradual thing, at first we would not notice it, and then whatever deal was struck would be good for business and for jobs and the economy would come first. Amber Rudd explained that immigration would be according to economic needs and the needs of business. Both said while free movement might end there would still be plenty of EU immigration. The Cabinet is said to be broadly in agreement, not least because reality has marched in and they all  see there not much choice. Especially as  our economic growth, already near flat lining, is slowing up.

So now we know a little more about the shape of Brexit. It is rather like being in the EU.

Ah yes!