Archive for February 14th, 2017

Thriller : Hess Secrets Revealed

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Hess Enigma: A Novel

Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy and right hand man, flew to Scotland on a mysterious peace mission in 1941, which has never been convincingly explained, to meet unidentified politicians who wanted to end the war.  Who was plotting against Churchill? What were the peace terms on offer? What happened to Hess? Was he killed in the War? Was the prisoner in Spandau a double? A real time thriller with flashback chapters which gradually unfold the hidden secrets, this tense drama will draw you into a compelling read.


Trump: Another Mishap?

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Nobody around the world at large has ever heard of General Flynn. Nor do they really understand what the National Security Adviser is. So the fact that this man has resigned from that post will not shake the planet. Obviously it has shaken the White House. The issue is, does the White House go on shaking?

First of all we are in for a slice of the boring who knew what when. Flynn accepts he told porkies, but now the bloodhounds want to know who knew he was telling porkies and whether he was instructed to tell them. This blog does not wish to go down that fetid path and will instead stay in the clear open air. What is important is that this unusual and energetic presidency does not get bogged down in sillies, when there is much that it must do to deliver upon the expectations of its supporters and  to unite a country which, polls suggest, is beginning to swing slowly behind  a new adventure in democratic government.

This is about an agenda set by people, not by politicians. It is about jobs and security. In that context whether Michael Flynn did or did not talk to the Russian Ambassador about ending some very stupid sanctions is neither here nor there. It would be quite normal in any other democracy with an incoming government, not one of which is known to have an eighteenth century law prohibits such conversations. There are moments when America exasperates. It needs to reflect upon the efficacy of some of its processes. They appear not to serve it well.