Archive for February 29th, 2016

Cabinet Split: A Row About Papers

Monday, February 29th, 2016

We have a Government, a Tory one. There has been a re-negotiation of our membership deal with the EU and the Prime Minister has announced a previously promised referendum in which  government official policy is to back the deal and campaign for Britain to remain in the EU. Five Cabinet ministers have decided to oppose their government and campaign to leave. Through a peculiar indulgence they have been allowed to remain in the Cabinet, whilst opposing its policy. They are very lucky. They have been told that they will be allowed to continue to receive all government papers relating to the running of their departments, including business involving the EU. Lucky them.

Now they want to see all the papers relating to the government’s referendum campaign which they oppose and they have been told they cannot. So they are having tantrums. Enough of this. There is a simple solution. Sack them all, then they will not be allowed to see anything. They are nothing like as clever or indispensable as they think they are.