Archive for July 10th, 2014

Downfall in Downing Street

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

This goes to the heart of Establishment cover-ups. Here is an extract

‘And so it was all settled. The meeting broke up. The Prime Minister took the lift to the flat at the top of the building. The Home Secretary had his official car drive him to a secret location to complete the arrangements of the cover-up, and the Paymaster General drove himself home to his imposing, but rather heavily mortgaged, house in Chester Square, to agree with his wife the exact particulars of the fatal seizure which they were to say had occurred at the cosy dinner arranged for their friend and cabinet colleague.’

Paperback or Download

Book Promo: Establishment Exposed

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Product Details

And so it was all settled.  The meeting broke up.  The Prime Minister took the lift to the flat at the top of the building.  The Home Secretary had his official car drive him to a secret location to complete the arrangements of the cover-up, and the Paymaster General drove himself home to his imposing, but rather heavily mortgaged, house in Chester Square, to agree with his wife the exact particulars of the fatal seizure which they were to say had occurred at the cosy dinner arranged for their friend and cabinet colleague’


Downfall in Downing Street, originally published twenty years ago as Downfall, takes a good hard look at the secretive workings of the mysterious British Establishment, which is so easy to talk about, yet harder to define. Set in the early nineteen-nineties, the narrative has withstood the test of time and transfers very well into the current political drama, within a format which was very much ahead of mainstream at the time it first appeared.

This is a compelling read which will entertain as well as inform. I urge you to buy or download. Because it is a re-issue it is very reasonably priced. You will not be disappointed.

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