Archive for July 9th, 2011

Murdoch Flying In

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

Well, now we know he cares. He is coming to take control. What a shambles awaits him.

BSkyB approval delayed and probably never, with Ofcom now involved. The golden goose of the NOTW dead. Servile politicians now biting back and ravaging the carcass of his spent omni-power, to the point where the votes come to those who revile him, not to those he endorses. The police are everywhere, enquires are springing up, terrible further disclosures are apparently yet to come.

Doors, once oiled to swing open on his approach, will now be shut in his face. Everywhere, like in the Arab Spring, there is that happy feeling of liberation from the shadow of the threats from his empire to smash careers it helps to build, so as to have more targets to smash again. All that is over. His family, that is James and Rebekah, have screwed up totally; the Murdoch brand has become toxic.

But he, HE, is now en route. When he gets here, his voice and his voice alone will be heard, his orders will be those, the only ones, the empire obeys and his genius, which built the mighty network, may just be able to save it.

Wait and watch and wonder. None will do that more anxiously than the movers and shakers in 10 Downing Street. If he turns on them, they could be in trouble. Because into the growing list of who knew what and did nothing, will come a new class of person to add to embattled Murdoch executives. Ministers of the Crown.

Three days ago this Blog likened the crisis to Watergate. The theme is today taken up by at least one national newspaper. It is a word you will see more and more often in the dramatic days to come.