Archive for September 11th, 2010

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

9/11 Anniversary

It is indeed unfortunate that this day of great emotional solemnity for so many, which should be a moment of coming together of humankind, is sullied by the preposterous proposals of a hitherto unheard of pastor of a church almost without followers. It does however tell us that literal and fundamentalist religion of any denomination or faith is a very far cry from a force for good when it advocates insults, hatred and abuse as the road to salvation.

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Tony Blair

All the interviews and publicity surrounding his book, together with the extracts I have read, reveal a conflicting personality which is a far cry from the open, refreshing young man, so popular at the start of his premiership.

How can the man who brought peace to Northern Ireland and devolution to Wales and Scotland, be the one and the same to help unleash the crazy wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? How can a devout Roman Catholic convert square his conscience with the terrible suffering caused to innocent civilians, including so many women and children, in these war zones, as a consequence of what he did?  How can he seriously aid the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, which is commendable, with advocating military force against Iran if it does not do as we want, which is unhinged?

In a hunderd years time historians will have a good deal to say about our Tony.

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Hello Again!

At last I am back on line, after a customer experience with BT edging towards delirium for which there is no rational explanation other than a totally dysfunctional system or human incompetence to defy belief. Enough to say that a same day switchover took twenty one days to complete. Never as a monopoly or a nationalised industry did things get to such a pass.

Having got back on line I shall offer a few short posts while getting  into the rythm of regular comment. I have found more than 2700 of your comments awaiting approval. As always there are the relevant mixed with marketing spam, especially for pills. I cannot be as selective as I would like so if your comment goes missing, try again in a few days when I have cleared up.

Meanwhile thank you for your support and your patience.