Archive for January 30th, 2010

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Iraq, Iran and Blair

Syria,  Jordan and Iraq are not countries whose borders have evolved over centuries. They are lines on a map drawn by duplicitous politicians at the end of WWI in defiance of Lawrence (of Arabia) who had promised an independent state to the Arabs in return for their military support against the Turks. Iraq became a Kingdom under British colonial rule. Because no tribal boundaries were involved in its creation this new state harboured among its citizens Shiite in the south, Kurds in the north and Sunnis in the middle. Eventually the King was overthrown and the Ba’ath Party came to power.

The Ba’ath party was largely Sunni and therefore ran the country, excluding from power the Shia majority. Now, after the invasion, the Shia majority control the government and are potential allies of Iran. This is exactly where Mr Blair did not want to be. When the Americans go, it is possible the Sunnis will try and regain power, leading to civil war. This is potentially dangerous as Jordan and Saudi Arabia are Sunni, but Iran is Shiite. Once again in resolving one problem, Saddam Hussein, we create new problems with ever wider consequences. Mr Blair’s lack of grasp of the historic truths and his inability to see other than through his own one dimensional convictions, coupled with the confusion of mind which causes him to think that because he believes he is right, he actually is, makes him an international menace.

His assertion that it was ‘right’ to invade a sovereign country because he did not like its government and considered that even if it was not actually a direct threat to us it might someday become one, is against international law even of the most primitive kind. It is  also the very excuse that Hitler used to invade Russia in 1941. It establishes out of his own lips the fact that he committed a war crime and in order to justify it, he wants to frighten us into committing another against Iran. 

The irony is that Iraq had nothing whatever to do with 9/11 and would not allow Al Qaeda to operate on its territory. Mr Blair has few piers in history for dangerous irresponsibility in government. What a blessing for us all that our friends in Europe ignored the pleas of Brown and Milliband, and sussed Blair out for what he has become, obsessed with his own ego and misplaced religeous fervor, coupled with a complete lack of remorse or gulit for the huge suffering he has caused to the innocent in his drive to confront his version of the guilty. They saw that this disquallifies him for any role in democratic government anywhere.

He may also be liable for arrest if his plane lands at the wrong airport.