Archive for November 18th, 2009

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009


In one of those peculiar alleys at the end of which European democracy works over dinner, one is to be held tomorrow at which a Name is expected to emerge. The path will then be open for the Name to be ratified as the first EU President. For the motorcade factor the choice would be Blair, but this is thought to be very unlikely. Iraq of course. For the quiet wisdom and stewardship from someone of whom nobody has ever heard, there are several candidates sharing world anonymity.

John Bolton, at whose trigger happy views over the middle east I have railed at length, said a wise thing on the radio yesterday which has earned him a cup of tea from me if he should ever find himself passing my cottage whilst thirsty. He said that it was not yet determined whether Europe was a State or a collection of Nation States and although there was no denying there was a project in hand, it was not yet clear what the outcome would be.

It therefore made no difference who was the so called President of the Council, because that office was to lead an organistation which was a good deal smaller than the sum of its parts. Good stuff JB.

Of course some of the parts want to see a new State. Other parts do not. The odd thing is, this same difficulty was fudged in the U.S Constitution at its inception. The schism proved too wide to heal by peaceful means and cost six hundred thousand American lives to resolve in the Civil War. In Europe we had the wars first. Millions died. Now we want to go forward on a more enlightend path. Looked at  that way, the European Union is one of the most noble political movements in all of civilised history. Even more noble than the United States. We really should be interested in that Name after all.

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

The Queen’s Speech

This was one of the worst for years. I am strictly non partisan, I have not yet decided how to vote, but I am beginning to despair of New Labour. Their achievements are more limited than they would proclaim, but they are enduring. Peace in Northern Ireland, devolution for Scotland and Wales, restoring local government in London headed by the Mayor, broadening educational practice with Academies, Faith and Foundation schools, all this is  imaginative and worthwhile.

The failure list is too long even to start. There is however a  thread which is constricting the very breath out of the whole New Labour project.  It is the assumption that every single facet of life can be dealt with by a new law and that these new laws can intrude into every nook and cranny of the nation’s business. 

The latest batch are more of the same, the most ludicrous of which is the half baked notion that you can enshrine that every school will be required by law to give a decent standard of education. Is it not already the case  that this is the aim of every school and a matter of certainty that some will be better than others? What on earth is putting the obvious on the statute book going to achieve other than more cash for lawyers ( paid by taxpayers in legal aid) and frightened teachers practicing defensive teaching in case some smart Alec decides to sue?

Then there is to be another law requiring the government to halve the preposterous public deficit in four years.  Why does it not just get on and do it? It is utterly ludicrous to bring in laws binding the government which can cancel them at will. These people think we are all fools.

It is a wonder they did not announce a Bill making it  law that night must follow day. Maybe next time.

Then maybe not.