So Were the MPs Right?

No. The reason they have come to the wrong decision is that they are on the wrong road already and branching right or left makes little practical difference. It is not a matter which can be settled by phantom armies of moderate fighters, or a few more bombs, or even troops on the ground. Because what is going on in the Middle East now is not something that is ring fenced in a box of discord, which can be opened and cleaned by zapping the bugs.

It is the product of the ill conceived War on Terror which has been going on for fourteen continuous years in which bombs from the air and troops on the ground have been used in both Iraq and Afghanistan and bombs alone in Libya, leaving all these countries with serial violence, untamed insurgencies, dysfunctional governance and sectarian strife. Not only have millions of lives been ruined and unknown number of innocent civilians killed, promoting a diaspora on a biblical scale with which the West is unable to cope, but as each so called enemy is driven back, a new one pops up. Finally that mess-up is  almost without historical precedent, but is capped by the fact that the strategic aim of eliminating the terror threat has not been achieved by a country mile; indeed the threat is worse than ever.

So anyone who yesterday proposed, supported or voted for a continuation of the same pathetic mixtures,  completely lost the plot. They will, every last one of them, come to regret bitterly their failure. They felt themselves heroes but cowardice ran through the House of Commons last night like a river in flood.

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