Nuclear Power Failure

There is almost no more vivid illustration of the complete failure of government to look after the interests of the nation than the record over replacing our nuclear power stations. We need about twenty if we are to remain a functioning modern society with reliable power and the first, already years behind schedule because of government (mostly New Labour) dithering, is now further delayed. At one time these power stations were state owned and run and Britain led the world in their design and technology. Now they are privately owned but because we have lost the skills to build new ones and no private corporation has the resources anyway, we have had to give the contract to the French EDF. This is owned by the French government. It has not yet come up with all the money it needs, but hopes to conclude a deal for finance soon with the Chinese government.

So here we are in the brave new world of privatisation with our first nuclear power station behind schedule, being built by the French government and financed by the Chinese government. Where is the private in that? How did we get here? Surely it is better for our own government, meaning us, to own our stuff than foreign governments?

Make of this what you will. What this blog makes of it is not suitable for publication.

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