The Royal Prerogative

Jeremy Corbyn has raised the question of the Royal Prerogative. Few people understand what it is. Because we have no codified written constitution, the UK remains an absolute monarchy in which the monarch retains absolute power. This power is delegated by the sovereign to the prime minister, who is free to use it without parliamentary sanction. Parliament retains control of the purse strings and has to approve the budget. This peculiar arrangement provides a prime minister who is not directly elected by universal franchise, with powers as great as any executive president. He or she can hire and fire ministers, open and close ministries, declare war and much else without parliament having a say, unless the PM decides to consult it. This is another feature of our democracy which is past its sell by date and Corbyn is right and, because of the outcry it will cause, brave to raise it.

Needless to say those who declare a perfectly reasonable upgrading of our democracy an assault upon the monarchy and by definition the Queen, will be those who benefit most from the power of patronage which this bestows. It depends on your definition of democracy. Corbyn is clearly hard core. Perhaps that is why he is so popular.

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