FIFA: Prince William Speaks Out

The intervention in the FIFA scandal by the Duke of Cambridge yesterday is more interesting for the fact that he spoke than it is about what he said. There is a needless convention in the UK that the monarch cannot have an opinion on current issues, which derives from traditional tensions between parliament and crown which have nothing to do with the interests of ordinary people. This blog has always been of the view that whilst the monarch must not speak on party issues, those of general concern should be open to comment. This is now more the case as the monarchy has deftly moved from an institution connected to the aristocracy and its interests, to one which champions the rights and freedoms of the people, so often now exploited by devious politicians of doubtful ability.

The Queen herself has been punctilious at maintaining almost total public silence, softened by an occasional leak to ensure that her views are known, as in the Scottish referendum or the banking crisis. Prince Charles is much more outspoken and is likely to remain so when he is King. It looks as though his eldest son is intending to follow in his footsteps. That is a very good thing.

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