Greek Agony Continues

Most people now agree that there may be insuperable obstacles to a single currency shared among economies of widely varying dynamics where a single value for all simply will not work. This is why the Euro continues to have problems with Greece. However you slice it, there is no possibility that Greeks will become Germans in their outlook towards money, its value and its purpose. The Greek economy is now in such a state of collapse that medical supplies are dwindling, people are going hungry, money is all but run out and still Germany demands more sacrifice. Her co-eurolanders nod awkwardly in the background, too scared to differ. Sadly Britain’s disengagement with Europe over many years means that there is no counter-balance to German  enthusiasm for its own view.

The Greek people are among the most engaging on earth and their contribution to the advance of civilisation since classical times is without the dark chapters of some other European states, one in particular. It is time to view the Greek crisis for real as it is, and not through the wishful prism of how it ought to be. The Greek state needs a financial re-boot with a tranche of new money, which is printed, not borrowed. Either it stays in the euro and the ECB is authorized to print the cash and re-stock Greece’s coffers so that the economy can again begin to grow, or Greece goes back to the drachma and prints its own. There is no other solution. More loans, re-cycling existing ones or anything to do with borrowing from anybody is simply idiotic.

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