Election: Is It The Economy?

Most commentators agree that the economy is the key issue which will drive voters to make their decision and because the economy is recovering the advantage is with the Tories. This blog is inclined to that view also. However we must remember Wilson’s surprise defeat in 1970 and Major’s annihilation in 1997. In both cases the economy had been in trouble but was recovering strongly. The failure of the Tories, so far, to gain a convincing lead suggests something may be going on at street level this time too.

There is some evidence that digital and social media has moved the debate among voters to a different model to the one being followed by the politicians nationally. Nationally everyone is concerned with the big picture; forecasts, trends and costings dominate. But on the doorstep it is specific issues which catch the voter’s interest. Policies which affect them in their lives, jobs and homes. Looked at in these terms, the lack of a big narrative from Labour may not be quite the problem this blog has made it out to be. It may matter to commentators and to people who would never vote for them anyway, but to Labour voters and those who might swing their way, shrinking tuition fees and giving employees an opportunity to opt in to something better than zero hours may play better than at first thought.

Not only is this coming general election hard to call, it is equally difficult to identify the dynamics driving it. What we think we see my be an illusion with the truth hidden behind it.

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