Fragile Ceasefire: Can It Hold?

It was clear to anyone with some understanding of what the situation was on the ground and the emotions driving it, that the separatists would not stop fighting until the Debaltseve salient was in their hands. Merkel probably knew this when she said things were far from certain. She also probably knew, because that it what happened in Georgia, that the implementation of the ceasefire would be bit by bit rather than all at once. It is the case that violence has reduced but it is not ended. What happens next will depend on the political implementation of the promises made to give the separatists a vote on their future and an acceptance of the fact that they will vote to get as far away from Kiev as is possible. The level of killing and destruction makes that inevitable and any western politician who supposes otherwise is at the very least misguided.

The level of urban destruction, like in the Syrian civil war, is shocking and the conditions in which people remaining within the contested areas appalling. This blog has no hesitation in blaming Kiev. It sent in its army. It need not have done. It could have accepted from the very beginning that with the collapse of the soviet empire of which Ukraine was a unified part, the ethnic and cultural mix meant that the integrity of the state would only be preserved if some form of federal structure were put together which would satisfy both the aspirations and fears of all.  Had it done so, it would have most likely preserved its territorial integrity.

Instead it sent in its army. It should never have done that. A government which sends its army to kill its own people has abdicated its right to govern. The West should have made this clear to Kiev from the very beginning. Pick a fight, and you fight alone.

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