Printing Euros

Commentators think it likely that the ECB will finally get the green light from Germany to print money to boost the Euroland economy, now in deflation. This is not a given. Germany is culturally averse to the notion, especially when several economies within the Eurozone are not fully reformed. But it may happen.

If it does the outcome will depend upon the format used. If it follows the US/UK model of buying bonds from banks and financial institutions with new electronic money, the effect will be to grow the financial sector. This will develop the side effect, now beginning to unsettle both The UK and the US, where the people in the financial sector and the rich do much better than those in the more menial jobs and small businesses where the masses are employed. This is because this cash injection leads to asset inflation and makes lending more profitable and less risky than investing. That in turn will cause the gap between rich and poor to grow even bigger. And in Euroland, where the gap is already wide, this will lead to social unrest and political extremism. That extremism will come from the far right as well as the far left.

Frau Merkel will be thinking about these things as you read this.

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