Jeb Bush Clears His Diary

News that Jeb Bush is clearing his schedule so that he can ‘consider’ running for the White House in 2016 comes as no surprise. A Clinton v Bush battle for the Presidency would be a worthy political drama which would capture the attention of the world for sure. Both have to win  their party nominations first. The only credible challenge to Bush would be Chris Christie; for Clinton it would be John Kerry but there is no indication yet that he is even thinking of running.

As previously stated this blog leans to State’s Rights and small Federal government, but is pro universal healthcare and balancing the budget. Whatever the Republicans may say about the economy, it is here their record is weakest. Starting with Reagan the twin deficits of trade and budget grew under under GOP presidencies and shrank under the Democrats. The Bush dynasty is not strong on foreign policy either. Jeb would need to be convincing on both counts.

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