Food Banks: Something Is Not Right

There is something deeply wrong with an economic model which says that bankers and corporate CEOs have to be paid several million per annum salary in order to get them to work, yet the ordinary people who keep the services and infrastructure of their country running are paid so small a fraction of this, that the lowest paid are reduced to seeking to assuage hunger in food banks because the cost of finance, energy and public utilities which the fat cats run, is taking first call on their money.

This is truly shocking. It shocks the church leaders and all those who try to do their best by others. Make no mistake, if any of the post war Prime Ministers were alive to see this, whatever their party, Attlee, Churchill, Eden, Macmillan, Home, Wilson, Heath, Callaghan and yes Thatcher, they would be truly shocked more than we are.

Think about that before you go to sleep tonight. Things cannot go on like this. Neither should they.

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