Ferguson: American Trauma

Americans must ask themselves three questions.

Why was it necessary to shoot an unarmed man in the course of apprehending him for a minor robbery?

Why was it necessary to shoot him six times? 

And what would they be saying if all this was happening, not in their own country, but Putin’s Russia?

In the rest of the world where conflict is everywhere causing human misery, many must envy America at peace. The sad thing is that it is not, and maybe never has been, at peace with itself. Perhaps a moment of reflection among Americans of good intention, which is almost all of them, will suggest the time has come to pay less attention to what everybody else is doing and more to finally healing the wounds within its own society which have festered for far to long. It is a delicate and challenging project from which it is easy to recoil. But it must be done. Moreover it will be done. Anything in the end can be done because you are America. Can do is what you are.

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