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The Judas Cross

Downfall in Downing Street

Two Spooky Mysteries (A Gift of treason and Stanislaw’s Crossing)

Using the latest technology it has been possible to re-introduce new paperback editions of my back catalogue, out of print for years but still around second hand, so now readers can acquire these titles at very reasonable prices. Two 2008 titles published first by Arima, are now combined into one omnibus volume.  It has also been possible to introduce new Kindle editions as a spin off from the paperbacks, retailing at as little as$1.50 in the US and 92p in the UK. I can give my readers the benefit of cutting out all the middle men.

Hitler’s First Lady

The high quality of the paperback with its Easy Read print and wide spine margins makes this book more expensive, but worth it for those who can afford the extra. Now, for readers who have to budget more carefully (most of us!) there is now a Standard Edition costing less, with smaller but still very readable print. I am keen for young people and students to be able to access this important historical novel, so there is also a basic Kindle edition available, retailing at US $1.50 and £0.92  UK.

The original Kindle edition of Hitler’s First Lady, which is a dedicated file with ‘clickable’ chapters, is available at $5.99 and £3.99 plus VAT. and Amazon UK  book pages are in the process of being updated over the next few days.


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