
This blog is fastideous in its neutrality on the issue of which party to vote for in the coming general election and always takes an individual view of events as they unfold. However when it comes to Northern Ireland that neutrality does not apply.

I am utterly opposed to the Unionists in whatever  form. I think their philosophy and attitude is sectarian, provocotive, unreasonable, out of date, riven with hypocrisy, laced with intolerance and in the long term utterly shot. Now they have through their obduracy run the talks with Sinn Fein over the transfer of policing and justice powers, a  necessary and obvious development of the Peace Process, into the ground.

I think the Orange Order a disgrace, their marches and outrage, their fetish with a Battle of the Boyne in 1690 utterly absurd and I hold them responsible for all the suffering of the troubles, not because they are terrorists, though some certainly were, but because without them Ireland would be a united and peaceful country. Their twisting of Christian beliefs to further their cause amounts to blasphemy.

Of course the marches should stop and of course policing and justice should be transferred. I would make it the price of Union. If they will not sign on the line with no more delay I would sever the Union and cut them adrift. We have had enough.

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