General Petraeus and President Karzai

The general is annoyed with the president because Karzai has criticised the level of violence, especially at night, mostly of U.S forces, in the drive to crush the Taliban. For onceĀ I think President Karzai is right.

The Taliban will never be crushed. Even if they are put out of action they will re-emerge. That is the tribal, war lord culture of Afghanistan. Thus General Petraeus’s strategy is self defeating. The more the violence and crushing of Afghans of whatever hue by NATO, the greater the resentment among the innocent population and the more they will side with anyone willing to kick at foreign troops. Moreover when NATO leaves the greater will be the willingness of the so called Security Forces to change sides.

This corrupt and ramshackle government of Afghanistan is, however the government NATO recognises, and the one it helped install and props up in power. ThereforeĀ General Petraeus must recognise Karzai’s right to speak out and his authority in doing so. If he does not, the whole enterprise is a sham.

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