Does Crash Brexit Really Mean Freedom?

No It means the opposite. Instead of this country having more control over its destiny it will have less. More to the point, politicians will have far less authority than they have now. Why?

Because the world’s largest single market, through which we enjoy advantageous trade with about 40 countries and which now has free trade deals with Japan, much of South America and Canada, will remain at its closest point less that twenty-five miles away. And everything it does, every rule it has and every decision it takes will impact upon the daily lives of all the people of the United Kingdom. But we will no longer have any political power to influence any of it.

Hammond has warned that business and the EU will work together to ensure their companies prosper and that employment can be maintained. GIG economy entrepreneurs will find their own ways through. Families will adapt. Many will take dual nationality. The country will carry on, although the Union may go, so it will be England perhaps on its own. It will, as Iran said the other day, be more or less powerless, an old tiger, its teeth gone. London will beat its chest and Westminster will gorge upon its freedoms, but for the decisions that matter the people will look to Brussels, Paris and of course, Berlin.

Oh, but we are the world’s fifth largest economy so people will take notice of us, they will have to, will be the cry of the crackpots in the ERG and their allies. For the record we are now number seven. And falling. A  country hell bent on self-harm, floating on a mystic wave of fantasy and delusion. Why should anybody take notice of that?

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