Liam Neeson: Beware the Thought: But Curb the Action

You must make up your own minds whether this popular and talented actor was right to confess to evil thoughts he had in the past, which were clearly wrong at every level. Mercifully he never turned the thoughts into action, although had the specific opportunity presented itself, the story might have had a very bad ending. At the heart of it is racial prejudice of the very worst kind. We all know that. But Neeson knows he was wrong and shared the story to illustrate how even good people, as he and everyone else now regards him now to be, can at some time think bad things. Very bad things. But that is not unlawful. We need to remember that.

This blog has a simple view. Prejudice against any colour, race, religion, class, orientation or whatever  is wrong. All people everywhere are part of the same human family. For this reason you will never find support here for another form of prejudice, nationalism. Railing against foreigners, immigrants, people with different values or culture, is just as wrong and bad as racism and causes vast damage to countless millions in war and conflict.

This is why I remain implacably opposed to Brexit. Because at its heart are bad thoughts turned into a very bad idea.

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