Trade Deals? There are None

It has now emerged that in spite of promises to ‘replicate’ the more than 50 trade deals the UK has with third countries through membership of the EU, including Japan and Canada, none have been made ready for signature nor are anywhere near being ready by March 29th. Trade deals turn out to be much more complicated than the International Trade Department expected (!).

At the moment, as well as the trade deals with the 50+ we have free trade, freedom of movement of people and capital, the right to live and the right to work, in all or any of 27 countries in the EU, which is the largest single market in the world and the biggest in history.

So if we crash out in the No Deal ecstasy of the nationalist Brexiteers’ dreams on March 29th, we will go from being part of the biggest trading group ever and the greatest personal freedom we have ever enjoyed, to trade deals with nobody and old fashioned travel restrictions we have long ago forgotten.

This has to be stopped. And as for that rubbish about doing what the British People voted for, nobody, NOBODY, voted for that. The British people are not anywhere near as stupid as their politicians.

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