Brexit Chaos: Where Are We Now?

Good Question. For which there is no answer. In spite of minor concessions and a blizzard of ministerial interventions all over the country, the expectation is that May will lose the vote on Tuesday. In the olden days before Cameron’s silly parliament act, that would have been the end of the government. But now it is possible, even likely, May will battle on. She does battling on. It’s her thing. A peculiar twist in a political and constitutional knot which cannot be unraveled, is that if she wins, the DUP will walk out of its confidence and supply agreement, meaning that the government will fall anyway before long.

As one opposed to the folly of the whole Brexit idea which in any form leaves this country and its people poorer, with diminished authority and curbed freedoms, I could live with May’s deal if it ever came to pass. This is because it essentially cedes a huge amount of political authority to the EU, particularly in areas of everyday life affecting ordinary people. Such is the incompetence of our own political class, the fiasco of Brexit and the inability to come up with a viable plan illustrates this, that we will all be safer, better off and more fairly treated if decisions are made by grown ups in the EU, while our own childish political brawlers are cut out of the loop.

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