BREXIT CRISIS: A Lack of Will?

Dominic Raab, the ex-Brexit Secretary who did not know that Dover was a busy port, says that the EU ‘bullies’ us and we have no political will. What tripe. There is no political will for Brexit because he and his friends have failed to advance any kind of a plan that would not mess the lives of almost everybody outside Westminster. Moreover the 17.5 million who voted Brexit were lied to and offered a dream which was not there. And then there is the hard core of 16 plus million who voted to remain. They are furious that the future of the rising generation is being put at risk and the country is plunged into crisis because of the fantasies of a bunch of dogmatic nationalists.

There is a political will, but it is mobilised to oppose the irresponsible Brexit that Raab and others keep fantasizing about. It is gathering strength.

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