Boris and Free Speech

One of the pillars of democracy is free speech. Free speech is not a notion which can survive in degrees. You either have it or you don’t. But freedom of religion, racial and gender equality, LGBT rights and basic human rights themselves demand judgement about what you say, to whom and when. Moreover, and especially, what you publish on social media and in the newspapers must take account of its impact on others. Incitement to hatred or violence crosses the border protecting free speech and becomes a crime.

When Boris wrote his piece (which remember the Telegraph published happily) he made the overall point that, unlike France and Germany, GB should permit Muslim women, whose faith inspired them to wear face coverings and veils, to do so. This is a positive liberal opinion to be applauded. He then went on to make sure the point was publicized by making another of his infamous jokes in bad taste. It is the kind of mocking wit which many find funny. But others do not. And because the butt of the jokes were women of a minority faith, there was an outcry.

But this is where we come back to free speech. He was entitled to make those jokes, which were flippant and harmless, if gratuitous and insulting. His penalty will be in the loss of credibility as a reliable public figure and votes at the next election. Even perhaps his ambition to lead the Tory party. That is how the free democratic system works. You reap as you sow. But you are free to sow.

It is also important in all of these things for the wronged, too, to be measured. Demands that Boris, of whom this blog is not at all a fan, be thrown out of the Tory party or subjected to some peculiar and secret investigation are plainly ridiculous. It is also the case that Labour, embroiled as it is in a seemingly never ending row about antisemitism, be now given the space to reach its conclusions. Otherwise the prejudices feared of whatever nature, instead of being wilting plants on barren soil, will becomeĀ  rampant vines out of control. Christians, Muslims, Jews and atheists live together in GB in harmony and have done for decades. Not by chance, but because of mutual respect and plenty of old fashioned give and take.

Everybody on all sides must remember that.

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