Brexit Reality

The latest papers coming from the government explaining its negotiating position, a revelation both for the UK and the EU, is proving beyond all doubt that the project is incapable of being delivered in the terms in which it was promised and that the mandate authorising it was based on a completely flawed understanding of what leaving the EU would actually entail and what it would really mean. That is a terrible indictment of the political class for which it will one day pay a very heavy price.

It also reinforces the increasing number of informed and sober opinions that in the end the outcome will either be very similar to being in the EU without the involvement in the political process of running it, or the whole project will collapse and be abandoned. Because the more the whole undertaking is exposed, the less are the apparent advantages of being out over in. The political reality of that is that few if any voted to be worse off. We need to remember we live in a democracy which, when cheated, will have its revenge.

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