More Brexit Doubts

Sir Simon Fraser, the former head of the Foreign Office is not a party politician, but he is nevertheless at the centre of what is really going on in the Brexit negotiations. His comments that things are not going well, because of the splits in the government and the lack of clarity about where GB is headed, should worry everybody. This is very much the line taken by this Blog for a long time, but such reinforcement at this level of authority gives a new urgency to our county’s predicament.

Meanwhile Sir Vince Cable at the weekend made some characteristically pointed comments about the older generation, who mostly voted for Brexit and the younger generation who mostly voted to Remain.  I was shocked how many people I met of my own generation who spoke in selfish, blinkered terms at the time of the vote, without caring at all how young people, who own the future, felt. So this Blog heartily endorses Sir Vince’s view that the old shafted the young.

Disquiet about the whole project is now growing at every level. Either the Brexiteers get their act together and come forward with workable, comprehensive and acceptable proposals as to how we exit the EU without trashing the economy, or face the fact that their project has failed and will never happen. Because if it gets to jumping off a cliff to achieve the exit, the House of Commons will vote it down. Any following general election or referendum will sink Brexit for good.

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