Trump: This Cannot Go On.

Trump returned from Hamburg convinced he had done a good job for America. Not all the other 19 of the G20 would agree with him because there were sharp differences on climate change and free trade, but there was goodwill all round and a positive outcome of the meeting with Putin. So was his homecoming something good? No because the Russia saga continues, this time about Trump Junior meeting a Russian lawyer to dig dirt on Hilary.

I really do not care whether these Russia collusion stories are true or false. I do care about the coherent governance of the leading nation of the free world and this has all but broken down. And I will say this. If the Democrats and a few bitter Republicans succeed in their evident plan of destroying this Presidency, they will also destroy a part of America.  Already America is damaged, but unless the grown ups stand up to be counted, the damage will be permanent. It does not matter which side you are on or what your views are. To the rest of the world the whole system is flawed. From being the example to follow, it has become the one to avoid. That is big brand damage. Very big.

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