NHS Cyber Event: It is Worse than Vista!

Yes, according to reports large parts of the NHS are still running on Windows XP. This maybe alright if you are a failing department store about to shut down, or an elderly pensioner who occasionally uses a PC to book a holiday, but as the beating heart of the NHS it is an outrage.

Sooner or later we have to bite the bullet and understand that the current model of competing trusts and a score of quangos underfunded by a government dumb about raising enough money to pay its way, is no way to manage a modern health service, nor to pay for it. And sooner or later the remarkably forgiving British public will have to stop listening to sound bites and slogans and elect a government with a proper plan to set things right. Strong government as a slogan is clever, but entirely useless if all it does in practice is screw up on everything.

Think about that before June 8th.

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