Labour Leak : A Blessing In Disguise?

At last we have a game changer from Labour. For the first time in decades the philosophy, aspirations and needs of the left have been given form. No longer is the choice between a soft centre or a harder one; a sterile choice that has driven millions of working class voters into hibernation or extremes. At last there is to be a full blooded manifesto from the Labour party based on the realization that it has no purpose or function as a party of the centre. Indeed there is no centre without first there being a right and left. The Tories are, have been and always will be the party of the right. Likewise Labour can only exist as the party of the left.

The dynamics are simple. You campaign from left or right, but you move towards the centre to govern, because in the end you govern for all. But if you campaign with integrity you will govern with authority. We have had a procession of strong governments with weak mandates.  The current economic model is shot through and unfair. There are crises  brewing at every twist and turn and radical change is demanded to set the country on a quite different path. The good thing about the leak is that it gives more air time to what is a bombshell intervention into the political conversation.  Whether that is time enough to mobilize a radical revolution is open to question. At least there is now more to this election than the coronation of May.


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