Snap Election: Masterstroke or Madness?

The polls are in her favour, so it looks like a  masterstroke. But wait. Elections are never won on the issue for which they are called. Looming in the background is the terrible state of the funding of all the major public services, especially the NHS and education, wages growing slower than inflation, public sector pay capped at an increase that guarantees a loss of real income, a £50 billion bill from the EU which has to be paid before negotiations begin and a very angry Remain camp who find their lives, future, friendships and families are being put at risk to satisfy the vanity project of a bunch of right-wingers who told the biggest political lies in the history of our democracy. So it may not be as easy to get a Tory majority as it looks.

As the campaign develops I will try an analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all the players, but I cannot pretend to be impartial. I am, as readers know, opposed to Brexit in whatever form and regard it as and act of political vandalism of the very worst kind. Not only will it damage this country, it threatens the Union of the British Isles and it may threaten the survival of the  EU itself. We could even soon be looking across the Channel at President Le Pen.

So while the commentary will try to be objective, the backing will go to any party or combination which will bring an end both to austerity and this whole sorry Brexit adventure.

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