Trump Blinks

There are signs that wiser counsels are prevailing in the Trump White House, leading to musings on Air force One that a new initiative is to be launched next week to restore credibility to the President’s immigration policy. Nothing the United States has done in the last half century has attracted so much opposition and outrage all across the world, as the travel ban now embroiled in the legal system.

This is not because anyone questions the right of the US President to take steps to protect the integrity of his country from terrorists or its citizens from attack, but because the measures introduced were arbitrary and unfair in structure and potentially dangerous in effect. Above all the implementation was utterly shambolic, doubly so for the omnipotent United States of America, leaving many of Trump’s supporters alarmed. His detractors were gleeful that they had early proof that the new President was a fruitcake. Just as they had warned.

There is no doubt that the American heartlands are nervous about their security and opinion polls confirm this with a majority supporting Trump’s hard line. So all he has to do is to offer up a new Executive Order which is up to the job the American people want him to do. The first debacle can readily be put down to inexperience all round. There cannot be a second.

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