America Must Now Move On

America has become disorientated by the victory of a presidential candidate whose fundamental support comes from the notion of disrupting the status quo in almost every direction. So the handover, so carefully choreographed in normal times to represent almost a royal rather than democratic transfer, is blown apart by reports of Russian hackers (the inflammatory word is Russian, not hacking, which happens all the time) and Tweets from the president elect who communicates his thoughts on everything to the whole world almost every hour of the day. This leaves the establishment aghast and the press corps running around looking silly proffering old news. So parts of it try to stir things up. Trump loves that and stirs back.

But in the end there is a real world out there and problems have to be solved. We know Trump plansĀ on getting a better working relationship with Russia, a better economic balance with China, a more realistic relationship with Europe which costs America less and he plans to have a serious attempt to rekindle lost rust belt jobs. He has not assembled a team of admirers, nor likeĀ almost all his predecessors has he had to give jobs to people he owes. He has chosen a strong team of big, or very big, hitters who disagree with him on quite a lot. But he will task them to deliver outcomes in their spheres of responsibility, of which deadlock or a stand-off will not do at all. Solutions, not postures, will be the demand of the Trump oval office. And solutions which above all work.

Most of that most of America will like, because it is very American. It is true that a majority of people voted for more of the same, but if you look at the map you will see the majority of the country voted not just for change but disruptive change. So it is now time for the losers to end their hysteria and fall in line. That is what democracy is. Somebody wins.


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