Labour’s New Start Collides With Old Politics.

Whatever the outcome of the leadership election, Labour is now by far the largest political party in Europe. To ignore that is to  fail to see that times have changed. Thus Neil Kinnock’s cry that Labour is facing the biggest crisis of its history is wrong. The crisis is that of the whole political class. There is a new politics out there with a mass following. It is the politics of people. People who are in touch with each other from the palms of their hands, broadcasting things as they are rather then how they are supposed to be, who no longer are willing to be told by professional politicians what is good for them. Corbyn and his followers have understood that and they have given a re-birth to the Labour Movement as the anti-establishment voice of the people, which does the people’s bidding, not the other way around.  It is an exciting time to be young as change is in the air. The kind of change that a youthful Kinnock would once, long ago, have championed.

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