NHS Outrage: Southern Health Trust: Time For Hunt To Go?

If this were a private corporation it would beggar belief. But for a taxpayer funded arm of the NHS to exhibit such contempt for the bereaved relatives and taxpayers, that it thinks it can get away with the formal resignation of its Chief Executive, on whose watch hundreds died without proper reason, and then re-employ her as an adviser on the same salary of £200,000 a year, shows that the  authorities of this organisation are administratively unhinged. What was a cause of great public concern is now a public outrage and it can go on no longer. This Trust must be at once wound up, its entire board of management sacked, and the Secretary of State must put in an emergency management team to take control.

In addition Prime Minister May should reconsider just how suitable Hunt is for leading the NHS, when so much is going awry whilst he rings his hands in indecision before washing them of responsibility.

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