Corbyn Coup Collapsing?

Maybe. In today’s political hothouse anything can happen. But the truth is the plotters appear to have miscalculated. They do not have a candidate  who stands a chance in a leadership election against Corbyn  and he is not going. Last week sixty thousand people rushed to join the party and the whisper is most if not all are backing him. What we are watching is the death of New Labour. It is better that New Labour dies a painful death at home in parliament now,  than a violent won out in the country at the hands of the voters in 2020. Because if New Labour goes to the country in 2020 slopping about in the muddy centre ground, putrid with lies, broken promises and compromised principles, it will be massacred. People are fed up with it and nobody, nobody, wants a New Labour government.

As for Corbyn’s leadership, it is of the kind these nonentities hate. He has brought an avalanche of new members to the party, he connects to the forgotten masses, he does much better in bye and local elections than they predict,  he stands his ground, he does not lie and when the going gets tough, he does not run away. These are qualities I was brought up rather to admire. The squirming cauldron of the PLP plotters has lost confidence in Corbyn. But he knows something of which they are in denial. The membership has lost confidence in the PLP.  That is why he has stopped answering its calls.

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