Not One Crisis : But Three

We now have three crises running in tandem. The first is financial and economic, with short and long term threats. The second is political where both government and opposition are floundering and where no plan exists even in outline of what to try and achieve in negotiations with the EU and how we benefit from Brexit. The third is constitutional. There is no clarity on how a snap general election can be called since we passed a law to stop it when we tinkered with the constitution and introduced fixed term parliaments, or whether there would need to be another referendum to accept the quit deal offered by the EU and above all because the Union with Scotland is already breaking up.

Each of these is a show stopper. All three together is beyond the competence of any political leader now in sight. We must hope that one emerges or that all the Kings horses and all the King’s men can in fact put Humpty back together again. Because Humpty is our nation’s future and that means ours, and at the moment it is bust wide open.

In future new posts will try to deal with each crisis separately. Their only link is the Brexit vote. That has now happened, it cannot be either ignored or reversed and everyone has to set about picking up the peaces. Including this blog.

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