Brexit Thoughts Fourteen : A Walk With Pride

This is my final post before the vote. As regular readers will know I am unmoved by economic arguments either one way or the other, or immigration fears and passions. I would vote Remain even if it cost me, because to me and my family the Union of independent states in Europe is the greatest political achievement since the fall of the Roman Empire, and the bloodletting of centuries costing the lives of millions is at an end. At an end not because of the force of an imperial gun, but because all the people in all the states are free to mingle, work and live side by side as neighbours and friends. Nobody is thirsting for a fight because at last they have drunk from the cup of fellowship and peace. The scourge of conscription into mass armies and slaughter across the countryside and through the cities, is over. To me that trumps everything else anyone can say and to put it in jeopardy or to walk from it, is to nullify the sacrifice of all those whose blood led us to a dream none thought possible.

You must vote Leave if you want to and I wish you well. What saddens me is that after twenty-five years of planning, your champions have been unable to offer a single clear view of where that will lead you and what sacrifice you will have to make to reach the land you have been promised. Could that be because they do not know? Could it be they dare not tell? Could it be that promised land is not there at all? You must be the judge of that.

As I walk into the polling station tomorrow I shall carry in my pocket my passport. My passport which designates me a Citizen of Europe. I shall walk with pride.

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