US Election: Trump Down, Sanders Up

With his win in Wyoming Bernie Sanders has now taken seven of the last eight primary contests, but Hilary remains in the lead by a margin. All eyes are now on New York. If Sanders can take that prize it would be a game changer. He would no longer look like the challenger. Instead he would look like a winner. Hilary would be badly damaged.

Meanwhile Trump took another beating at the hands of Ted Cruz in Colorado. Trump has not won anything since he said he would punish women. But only a fool would predict it is over for the billionaire whose shock tactics have propelled him to front runner, a position he still holds. Part of his elan was that he appeared unstoppable. Well that bit is over. He can be stopped, but the question now is, can he be stopped without the Republicans losing any chance in November to take the White House? Again New York looms large. Trump  should walk it. If he fails he is stopped for sure.

Still in the US but another subject, this Blog is appalled that North Carolina has passed laws that roll back protection for gay people and require transgenders to use the public restroom for the gender on their birth certificates. This is ignorant, cruel and hypocritical. It is prejudice of the very worst kind and looks backwards into a world long gone, thank goodness. It is a part of America’s psyche that the rest of the world hates.

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