Archive for June, 2014

The Chilcot Inquiry : When?

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Last week we learned that the report of the inquiry which has cost the taxpayer millions and for which we have so far waited five years, is only now in its final stages of preparation and may not even appear this year. This blog has many times complained of a statutory arrangement which places process above purpose, leading to inconclusive or controversial outcomes, especially when party politicsĀ are at the centre.

The Scott Inquiry into arms for Saddam Hussein watered down its conclusions to appease the warring factions insideĀ the Major government, which hung onto power by a fingernail, and the Hutton Inquiry produced conclusions so ridiculous that it brought the whole concept into disrepute and shattered the reputation of the judge who led it. This wholly unsatisfactory outcome led to calls for a re-run which is how we arrived at Chilcot.

It may be that Sir John’s report will be so robust as to restore our faith in the process, leaving only the cost and time such inquiries take requiring overhaul for the future. If we get another Hutton, there will be no point in a repeat. The whole system should then be scrapped. Public hearings by beefed up Select Committees would be a better way forward.